4, 2K4 - Contrappunto
-- -- --
December 3, 2K4 - Novecento
Tavernelle (PG)
-- -- --
August 28,
2K4 @ Roccolo Festival,
San Giustino (PG) with LINEA 77
-- -- --
October 17, 2K3 @ Transilvania,
Civitanova Marche (AN)
with Dynamic Lights
-- -- --
August 24, 2K3 @ Festa dell'Unità, Umbertide (PG)
-- -- --
July 25, 2K3 @ Piattaforma, Umbertide (PG)
-- -- --
June 9, 2K3 @ Indian's Saloon, Milan
with Dynamic Lights & PAIN OF SALVATION
-- -- --
May 1, 2K3 @ Piattaforma, Umbertide (PG),
Acoustic Session
-- -- --
April 25, 2K3@ Riverside, Marta (VT)
-- -- --
Apr 3, 2K3 @ Contrappunto, Perugia
-- -- --
Feb 28, 2K3 @ Nexus, Terni
-- -- --
Feb 8, 2K3 @ Feedback, Foligno (PG)
-- -- --
Jan 31, 2K3 @ RiverSide, Marta (VT)
-- -- --
Dec. 20, 2K2 @ Opificio,
Umbertide (Pg) "2K2" Release Party
-- -- --
Apr. 12, 2K2 @ Scuola di Musica,
Magione (Pg)
-- -- --
Mar. 20, 2K2 @ Brunch,
S. Benedetto dele Tronto (Ap)
-- -- --
Mar. 2, 2K2 @ Feedback, Foligno(Pg)
-- -- --
Feb. 23, 2k2 @ Easy Rider, Arezzo
-- -- --
Dec. 15, 2K1 @ Piattaforma
[Effetto Musica party] Umbertide(Pg)
-- -- --
Sept. 26, 2K1 @ Headbanging Contest
Indian's Saloon, Milano
-- -- --
Aug. 30, 2K1 @ 3° Metal Fest
+ DOMINE + Atemno, Umbertide (PG)
-- -- --
Aug. 20, 2K1 @ Gubbio Under Siege (+Atemno) Gubbio (PG)
-- -- --
Aug. 27, Y2K @ 2° Metal Fest
+ VISION DIVINE, Umbertide (PG)
-- -- --
Mar. 2, Y2K @ Cantiere 21
:: While
we are waiting for the album release, this summer we are playing in some
great festival around Italy. Here on the left you can check the gigs and
following you can find some pics from Verona Music Delirium festival.
July 14, a special event: Stefano & Andrea played with HARMONICES
MUNDI for a concert in Montone (PG) with Maestro GIAN PIERO RIVERBERI
from RONDO' VENEZIANO (the man on the center):

On Tuesday, May 3 just switch
your radio to Radio Torino Popolare FM 97 (Torino), FM 88.6 (Biella,
Ivrea, canavese), 9-11 pm; replica next Sunday, 2,30-4,30 pm. Listen online
at: www.rtp97.it and www.cantine.org/radio
:: March/2k5
1st of April show in Umbertide is postponed to April, 22 in the same place
due to a very bad disease by Luca.
also added a show in Terni with death-metal combo Subliminal
check the shows here on the right or get the flyer
+ ALBUM TRACKLIST :: January/2k5
:: It's time to let you know the official
"TIME FRAMES" track list, more than 70 minutes for a
brilliant interception of power and melody:
1 Power of Fate
2 Heretic
3 As the Sun Sets Down
4 On the Wings
5 Odissea Veneziana (R. V. cover)
6 Dungeon Dance
7 Out of Me
8 Synapse
9 My Silver Tears
10 Sigh in Time
New show with LINEA77 :: July/2k4
Nice news: next August, 28 we'll play with LINEA77
(very nice italian post core band on Earache Records) as
support at Roccolo Festival in S.Giustino (PG). See you there... we'll
also play some new stuff from our forthcoming album.

Last Friday, 28 May 2K4 we had a big surprise with
the coming of Fabio Lione in Umbertide to spend some hours
together (we, with Mirco Pallotta and Matteo Cesarini, also run a site
for him: Fabio Lione Tribute
Site. A very special meet & greet at Opificio, having
a beer and talking about music biz, news about Rhapsody and also news
about Exawatt first cd!
A very special "GRAZIE" to Fabio, very exquisite
You can find a special report of the evening (in italian) at Luca
Personal Blog.

:: May/2k4
A new Exawatt competition is out: connect to the RAW&WILD
website and you can win 2 copies of our promo 2K2.
Register for the competition here
and simply wait for the gift (maybe...)!
BLOG :: May/2k4
During the recording session I opened my personal blog
at lucabenni.splinder.com;
There you can check some updates in italian language to the Exawatt
studio recording life (especially concerning vocals session and related
Exawatt stuff, music playlist and more...)
DIESEL-U-MUSIC ROCK cd compilation is finally out!
It contains our track HERETIC ("2K2" promo version).
can buy the cd here or check
the complete tracklist here. Diesel-U-Music represents a challenge
to voice the most talented new artists' creativity. 6.000 demos submitted,
a new musical trend blown up from the underground, is the result of the
contest that riched its highest point during the Diesel-U-Music Awards.
The collection consists of 4 single CDs of different musical styles Rock,
Urban, Electro and Dance and contains the best selection of the contest
winners. About the ROCK cd: 12 tracks expressing the new sounds from UK,
USA, Italy, Benelux and Switzerland by Stefano Cecchi Records.
JANUARY UPDATES :: January/2k4
Out now polish magazine Heavy Metal Pages #14 with
an interview about Exawatt. Articles about Iron Maiden, Seventh
Angel, Exawatt, Totem, Gutter Sirens. Plus, as always, plenty of reviews.
:: Andrea
Corsetti was on the NERO OPACO METAL AWARDS 2003 as Best Keyboards 2003!
Thank you very much to the Nero Opaco Staff! www.neroopaco.it
:: November/2k3
The Diesel U Music Collection release will move from
October 2003 to January/February 2004. Now they have printed around 5000
copies of a promotional CD containing a selection of the Collection that
will be sent to the international press officers and to those in the known,
for free.
:: September/2k3
One special gig confirmed with DYNAMIC
LIGHTS at Transilvania in Civitanova Marche (AN) next October, 17
- 2K3. A very special night! So see you there!
:: September/2k3
I updated the photo album with the famous pics from
in Milan with the guys from Spirits of the Lands fanclub, Dynamic Light
and Pain of Salvation.
We also started the recording session in our
Studio for the release of our first Exawatt studio album out in Spring
2004: stay tuned here for update and a studio report.
The DIESEL-U-MUSIC Rock CD compilation with the
song "Heretic" will be available in the shop in October.
:: July/2k3
Next Saturday, July 19, Exawatt members will be on the
SEISMIC RADIO CHAT from 2 PM to 6 PM, New York Time (8 PM to 12 PM in
Italy)... Instructions to chat: go to www.seismicradio.com
and join the chat link on there. To listen:
you will need realplayer.
After the great show with Dynamic Lights and Pain Of
Salvation (ciao Guys!!) many things happened in this hot summer... let
me explain...
"HERETIC" will be included in the DIESEL-U-MUSIC
Rock Cd Compilation that will be available in Diesel Stores all
around the world next September 2K3. We were classified at 2nd
place in this italian rock competition after milan band Kech and
so Heretic was choosen.
Last June, 26 there was a great airplay for Exawatt
in the italian RADIO RAI 1: the great show DEMO, with Renato
Marengo and Michael Pergolani that spoke very well about Exawatt
works and the song "DUNGEON DANCE" was transmitted. There
is a small
Exawatt file, in italian, where you can vote for us.
party !! :: May/2k3
On Monday, June 9, 2K3, Exawatt will partecipate at
the PAIN of SALVATION italian party organized by "Spirits of the
Land", Pain of Salvation italian fanclub. More info at the italian
site www.painofsalvation.it.
The party will be in Milano, near Bresso/Sesto S.Giovanni @ Indian's Saloon
with Dinamic Lights and with special guests Pain of Salvation (that will
play at Gods of Metal in Milano the day before...). See you there.
:: April/2k3
The first "2K2" reviews are coming... please
follow the links: we also get Band of the month
at Nero Opaco
webzine, where you can find also an
interview (in italian). Here there is also a 2K2
review (many thanks to Marius the Jackal).
here for another 2K2 review by Antwnis Maglaras from Metal Domination
+ New cd compilation
with an EXAWATT song ::
"ROCCHE!" is a new cd compilation released
by EFFETTOMUSICA. It contains tracks from bands in our local area
(including us). Exawatt song in this cd compilation is "Heretic".
You can get the cd here, through our site.
:: January/2k3
I updated the website with new pictures from our release
party (thanks to all the friends and fans!!). And I added some pics
about Exawatt friends and some old pics
about our old members.
:: We finally
add mp3 file from the old "Promo 2001",
so now you can download all the tracks from previous work in mp3 format.
:: "2K2"
is Cd of the Month (January, 2003) in the italian radio show "Terapia
Rock" of Radio Emme: many thanks to Gilberto. Here's is the link
of rasio show home page.
Official release party in Umbertide (PG)
:: December/2k2
The first show with the new line-up and with
the new cd out will be in Umbertide (PG) @ Opificio (a nice club
in Umbertide, more
info here). Free entry.
+ Exawatt on the RondoVeneziano.it
website :: December/2k2
The Exawatt cover of Odissea Veneziana by Rondò
Veneziano is also available on http://www.rondoveneziano.it
website, the best italian source for Rondò Veneziano. Many thanks
to Matteo, site webmaster.
+ Member section updated
:: December/2k2
Member section updated with the info about Francesco,
new bass player.
+ New Exawatt cd "2k2"
:: November/2k2
:: "2k2"
is the new Exawatt promo cd relesead November 25, 2002.
We are sending now promos to labels//radios//mags. Click
here to listen//download some new tracks in mp3 format. Click
here to know more about the concept and the songs.
+ New Web Layout
:: November/2k2
:: New
graphic layout for exawatt.it. Before the
cd release, we have a new website deisgn by Luca. Please leave comments
in the guestbook.
+ New Bass Player
:: October/2k2
:: Francesco
"Strauba" Strappaveccia is the
new bass player. Nicola Chiapperini, previous bass player, left
the band after the release of "2k2" due to personal problems
with the band.
+ Stefano and Andrea with the
Rondò Veneziano tribute ::
Stefano (drums) and Andrea (keyboards) are playing
some shows in a exciting project with Harmonices Mundi, an italian chamber
orchestra by Gianfranco Contadini. They'll play together some shows in
italian theatres with a tribute to Rondò Veneziano:
At the begininng created as a chamber orchestra, was afterwards elaborated
adding many rhytmical elements to enhance the traditional forms of the
18th century: that's how classical elements (oboe, flauto, corno, strings,
piano) and modern elements (drums, bass guitar, synth) live together in
the compositions.
The main characteristic of the group is the originality and exclusiveness
of its repertoire: sometimes they have performed music by Beethoven, Vivaldi,
Mozart and Bach but the group usually performs original compositions by
Gian Piero Reverberi (the main composer, arranger and producer) and the
members always wear original costumes and wigs from the 18th century when
on stage.
One after the other the albums recorded by Rondò Veneziano were
certified gold and platinum in many different European countries, selling
more than 25 millions copies.